Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Desktopcalendars are available!

My Mum makes the most beautiful desktopcalendars on Mother Earth. It's worth the wait every month!
They are very very useful for your desktop and also a wonderful piece of art to make the desktop shine.

This time she also thought of the knitting community and has a sweet "kitten with yarn"-calendar.
Plus: She has made one "July 4th"-Calendar for our friends in the USA and one for our Canadian friends for "Canada-Day". (and they are very stylish!)
Would you like to have a little preview?

Here you go:

You can download them here:
Just follow her instructions for download and have fun!
Please be so kind to leave a comment in her guestbook
as she really needs some feedback right now!
(either German or English, she understands both!....well she is English, so she has to know at least that language, right? can also write down some suggestions for next month or the month after that etc.)
And don't forget: She creates them monthly, so if you liked what you have seen, get them every month and let her know you are doing so.....let's give her the encouragement she needs to go on making these nifty little things....*gg*

Monday, 25 June 2007


Es geht mir einfach nicht gut, mir fehlt für alles die Kraft.
Leider hatte ich in den letzten Wochen viel Probleme und Sorgen.
Deswegen konnte ich hier auch nichts schreiben.

Nun habe ich mich endlich dazu durchgerungen mit meinem Hausarzt zu reden
und das Ganze in Angriff zu nehmen, um eine Verbesserung zu erringen.

Mal sehen, Stricken tu ich noch....sehr viel tut mir einfach gut.
Nur schreiben mag ich nicht gerade, da kommen mir nur die Tränen und
ich zerfließe im Selbstmitleid.

"Wird schon wieder", sagt die alte, starke Melly und krault der neuen, schwachen Melly
die Haare. Bitte schickt mir Gebete und positive Gedanken!