Sunday, 30 September 2007

Und Deutschland..../ And Germany...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at DOCH Fußballweltmeister.

Die geniale Frauenmannschaft des DFB hat die Brasilianische Mannschaft 2-0 geschlagen!

Gut gemacht, Mädels!

Hier mehr lesen!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...has won the Women's-World-Cup in Football/Soccer.
The superb German Girls have defeated Brazil 2-0!

Well done, Girls!

Read more here!

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Hedgerow and Embossed Leaves Socks

Socks No 36 for this year:
Embossed Leaves Socks
for this sock i had to learn a new cast-on: the 1x1 rib cast-on method
with newly learned toe: Startoe
Wool: Regia 4-ply
for: MUM
size 37


Socks No 35 for this year:
Hedgerow Socks
wool: Opal Knäuelchen 4-ply
for: Dad
size 43

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

knitted tidbits

A Minisock for Donna's schoolfriend.

The Cabbage Rose Washcloth for my Mum

Es geht wieder!

Juhu, endlich wieder Heißwasser!
Was für eine Wohltat, was für eine Wonne!

Kinder, ab in die Wanne!

Monday, 24 September 2007

Wie abhängig... in der heutigen Zeit vom heißen Wasser ist, merkt man erst....

.....WENN ES KEINES GIBT!!!.....


Seit Sonntag läuft im ganzen Haus und auch im Nachbarhaus kein Heißwasser mehr und wir können nicht duschen. Igitt!
20 Anrufe beim Vermieter und beim Hausmeister und nach etlichen Abwimmelungsaktionen anderer Nachbarn (die denken wohl alle, ich sei der Hausmeister) später:
Es geht immer noch nichts. Angeblich wurde die defekte Pumpe schon ausgetauscht.
Nun denn es hilft nichts: Ich muss dann wohl mal KALT duschen....Yeah!


Oooh, wie geht es mir gut NICHT! Ich habe gejapst wie ein Fisch auf dem Trocknen, die Haut brennt mir nun wie Feuer, ich habe auch schon mit dem Vermieter telefoniert (schon wieder!)
Heute soll es noch repariert werden, bin ja mal gespannt.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

WIP - Work in progress

Just wanted to show you a few things which are in progress right now.

The Daffodil-Design by Marianne Kinzel (yes i am still working on that one):
Nearly finished and then ran out of yarn.....sheeesh!
Yarn is discontinued, because it was in my stash for about 10 years or more.
I found some similar yarn in similar colour (a bit lighter than the other), but i can't get myself to finish it off. So now: Hibernating
Edit 09-09-07: Just took a newer photo of this to be seen, only a few rows are left to do...i really should get my guts together and finish this...heck, i really should!
Note to self: Finish Dad's socks and then go for it!

Niebling's Goldregen:

Started this and then put it away to finish some socks. Since then it is in my basket and i can't get myself to finish it => too many projects i want to try BEFORE i return to this one....*lol*

Friday, 14 September 2007

1 sock, 2 socks -- pink socks, blue socks!

Such a lot of new socks........
Oh, what fun! Oh, what fun!
In these socks you can even run!

First we have Japanese Feather Lace Socks reloaded.
Have to knit these again and again and again.....they knit up so good and look even better!Size 39/40 for my friend Sandra
She gave me this fabulous pink wool of hers and asked me to knit some socks for here we go! I really enjoyed myself knitting them and i hope she will like them.

And here we go with some blue socks.
Baby blue to be correct.....very nice and warm Regia silk 6-ply wool, knits up very very nice and has a nice shine to it.
My Mum bought the wool and asked me to knit her some warm socks. Size 37
The pattern is a mock-cable and can be found in the newest Sabrina Special Socken & Co, S 1270.
This mag was a gift from my Mum. I love it!

Monday, 10 September 2007

Shetland Garden Faroese Shawl

Just another new project, my Mum saw this pattern online and said, she would like this one as a X-mas present. (I bet she is pretty fed up with socks right now...)
So then, here we go!
I am using Opal Uni Cotton sockyarn, because my Mum has very delicate skin around the neck and needs something very soft 'round it.
(i would have loved to use Regia silk,
but the colours were not quite what i wanted for this project)

This really is fun, i love the wool and love the pattern!
Hopefully this will get finished in time!...*lol*

Thursday, 6 September 2007

The 3 tenors, one has left the stage of life!

We will never forget that fabulous Opera-singer Luciano Pavarotti.

May he rest in peace!

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

My Birthday../ Mein Geburtstag...

is today and while perusing over my presents i gave way to memories:

33 years ago on my birthday i turned 1 and got some very nice books, e.g. the Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes = i always loved that book and i still own it today. (i still enjoy reading it and looking at the pictures)


23 years ago on my birthday my parents gave me a camera: a pocket flash
I love that thing!

16 years ago on my birthday i turned 18 and got lots and lots and lots of great gifts and had a blasting good time with family and friends. Plus the fact that i was now responsible for all my doings and whereabouts....great feeling to be an adult.

15 years ago on my birthday i had a blasting good time at a club with my friends and i met the father of my 2 older daughters for the first time.
(oooohoooo, great guy! ... although he turned out to be a right looser years later...sadly!)

11 years ago on my birthday i was fully occupied by my first daughter Donna, who was 6 months old at that time.

10 years ago on my birthday i was pregnant with Elena Frances and was sadly watching the funeral of Princess Diana on T.V.
On this day the idea for the second name of Elena came up in my mind, Princess Di's 2nd name was Frances and i like that name so much, so in memorial of our dear Princess i gave Elena that name too. (I didn't want to push the line too hard and give her the full name, as i figured that there would be thousands of Dianas the year after.)

8 years ago on my birthday i was in hospital after giving birth to my 3rd daughter via C-section.

4 years ago on my birthday i had a "big" party, i was delighted to get many many presents from near and far (my friend Lyn even sent me some flowers via fleurop, she lives in England), i have had many visitors and was very happy to have passed the 30-mark

2 years ago on my birthday i had a few knitter-friends over at my place and we had a knitting good time! you can look here (<-click) for details.

This year on my birthday
(today...*lol*) i was surrounded by my family, we watched a great film, had cake and had a very nice time.
My daughters gave me 2 books from my wishlists and some very nice earrings. My parents got me an orchid, which is very lovely, and the promise for a great X-mas gift which will be a Birthday-gift too. (it must be soo huge and expensive, so they had to divide it into two...must be a booster...can't wait for X-mas...*giggles madly*)

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Die verstrickte Dienstagsfrage - Woche36/2007

Wenn du einen Handarbeitsladen eröffnen würdest, was würdest du alles mit ins Sortiment nehmen?

Ganz kurz und schmerzlos:

Ich würde keinen Handarbeitsladen eröffnen, da die Ware vor meinen Händen und meiner Stricklust nicht wirklich sicher wäre. ;-))
Und das möchte ich mir, meinem Geldbeutel und der potenziellen Kundschaft einfach nicht antun!
Aber als Anregung für die Handarbeitsladenbesitzer: Lana Grossa Sockenwolle muss unbedingt mit ins Sortiment!
Und vielleicht all die tollen Sockengarne aus den U.S.A., die Normalsterbliche wie ich nicht kaufen können....*grins*

Das Wollschaf bedankt sich bei Lizzy für die heutige Frage!

Sunday, 2 September 2007


Ursprünglich hochgeladen von knitchickmelly

...the wonderful Phoenix of the Harry Potter series has got his own socks now.

And Cynthia, who loves Fawkes very much has her pair of Fawkes-socks...*grin*

You can download the pattern here:

My notes about the socks:

08-26: Just did it! I cast on.Will make these with 48 stitches and will add one purl stitch to every pattern-repeat. (=3 stitches)Hope she will like them, she thinks Fawkes is "soooooo sweeeeeet"

09-01: I just don't know, why these took me so always seems as if i need longer for the smaller socks than for big men's socks. Maybe also because i have been "ravelling" (being on ravelry..pun intended) so much...*lol*But finally: Finished!Cynthia just loves them!

And Hansi, our budgie, seems to love them too....*ggg*