Sunday, 30 March 2008

Happy Wedding Anniversary, dear Mum and Dad!

Today my parents are celebrating their 35. Wedding Anniversary!

I am so proud of them!
Not many couples make it that far and still love each other like on the first day!

But you, MUM and DAD, have made it!

You are a shining light of being faithful and true and keeping the love alive!

I love you both!

Sie schmecken nach Grapefruit!


Mm, Grapefruit! Sie sind etwas ganz besonderes, denn Sie sind gleichzeitig süß und sauer, strotzen vor sonnigem Gemüt und sind doch frech und erfrischend. Aber Vorsicht, denn Ihre guten Seiten halten Sie zuweilen versteckt! Gibt man Ihnen Zucker (oder auch Geschenke, Lob und kleine Aufmerksamkeiten), so zeigt sich Ihre natürliche Süße. Wenn es drauf ankommt, dann umgeben Sie sich mit Menschen, die Ihnen an Kraft und Unabhängigkeit ebenbürtig sind. Und diese Menschen zu finden, ist für Sie kein Problem, denn solche Personen fühlen sich zu Ihnen hingezogen. Sie sind angenehm sauer und ein wenig exotisch – ein wahrer Leckerbissen!

Schon in vielen blogs gefunden und als lustig befunden, deswegen mach ich auch mit....*grins*

Zu finden ist der Test hier: Tickle Flavor Test

The Doily-Lotterie

Donna and Elena doing the "Lottery-thing"

And the winner is Iris aka Julimond:

I hope, she will be very happy about this!

To all the others:
I really feel a bit guilty, I wish I had a doily for each one of you!
Thanks for being part of this!
I love you all!
love and hugs

P.S: I think I will do this again, this was fun!!!

Gloxiniaeflora-row 56

On Friday I started a new doily: The Gloxiniaeflora-Doily by Herbert Niebling
The picture shows my progress, I am on row 56 now
So far it is really much fun, but the *slip6, knit 6, pull the slipped 6 over* is really killing me....*lol*...but this too shall pass!
Have a nice sunday!

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Don't forget:

Spring forward one hour tonight!

Heute Nacht die Uhr um eine Stunde vorstellen!

Friday, 28 March 2008

You're fantastic! / Ihr seid fantastisch!

PhotobucketNever would I have thought, that I would get so many responses to my "Doily-Adoption-Lottery".
You have really amazed me! WOW!
I will let Donna do the lottery on Sunday, 30th, and will take some photos too.
So stay tuned!
love and hugs

PhotobucketNiemals hätte ich gedacht, daß ich so viele Antworten auf meine "Deckchen-Adoption-Lottery" bekommen würde!
Ihr habt mich wirklich überrascht! WOW!
Ich werde Donna die Gewinnerin am Sonntag, den 30., auslosen lassen und werde auch Fotos machen.
Also bleibt dabei!
Alles Liebe und Umarmungen schickt Euch
die Melly

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Put up for adoption... / Zur Adoption freigegeben... the Adonienieroschen-doily.
Not because I don't like it, but because I love it so much I want to give it to one of my readers. So if you are interested in giving this nice doily a new home, please leave a comment (don't forget your e-mail address) and let me know.
If more than one want it, I will let the kids do a lottery and will announce the winner then. das Adonienieröschen-deckchen.
Nicht weil ich es nicht mag, sondern gerade weil ich es so sehr liebe, daß ich es einem meiner Leser/Innen schenken möchte.
Also, wenn Ihr Interesse habt, diesem Deckchen ein neues Zuhause zu geben, hinterlasst einen Kommentar (vergesst bitte nicht Eure E-mail Adresse)
Falls mehr als einer dieses Deckchen haben möchte, dann werde ich meiner Kinder losen lassen und den Gewinner hier verkündigen.

or write to: / oder schreibt an:

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Blocking Adonienieroschen

PhotobucketAnother finished object: Adonienieroschen (ich think it should read: Adonienieröschen = little Adonierose)
now blocking!
Tomorrow will start with a surprise, so please check back in....

PhotobucketNoch ein fertiges Objekt: Adonienieroschen (ich denke aber, daß es Adonienieröschen heißen soll)
gerade gespannt!
Morgen gibt es ein Überraschung, also schaut doch bitte wieder rein...

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Desperately looking for...

....the December 2007 issue of Simply Knitting.

It has a Shaun the sheep and friends mobile pattern with it and I would like to have that pattern.
(I need need need that pattern.....please help me! I am desperate)

Maybe someone who reads this has it and is willing to swap for yarn or sell it?
Please contact me at:

knitchick.melly at (just replace the at with @)

Thanks in advance!
love and hugs

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Happy Easter to you all!

My favorite Easter Song, which I want to share with you all:

Also it is time to say THANKS for all your visits, your sweet comments and encouraging thoughts you have sent my way!
I love hearing from you all

and I am still trying to find another (and better) way for the comment-section, so I can write back straight away. In the meantime I will just try and visit you back on your blogs and I assure you that every comment is greatly appreciated!

Happy Easter to you all and have a great time!

Lyra finished!

I knitted Lyra within 11 days (and nights...*lol*).
And added one day to wash, starch and block "her". So 12 days to complete the task.

I am very happy and proud of myself.

Yes I admit it, it somehow feels as if I have finally earned the rights to call myself a lace knitter.
Although I have been knitting doilies and other lace for about 14 years now, i never just felt like I feel now since I have knitted LYRA....funny, huh?

Here are some facts:
Lyra is very addictive and so great to knit.
I was amazed, that it wasn't as hard to knit as I thought it might be.
In fact I was frightened at first and not so sure, if I could accomplish this major task.
But then I just started to knit and it got to me, I just couldn't stop....I was "hooked"!
Lyra just took over and I was knitting like a maniac = addiction!

I used Four Seasons Gründl Häkelgarn 100, that is fine crochet cotton, and
size 2 and 2,5 mm needles.
My Lyra is 40 inches in diameter.
And I also had the "squished" leaves I read so many Lyra-knitter writing about and I found out, that it must be the result of the major increase of stitches for the flower.
I wasn't so happy about it, but my Mother reminded me of this:
"You can't find symmetrical leaves in nature. Some are squished, some are squashed....that's about normal!" Truly a wise woman, my Mum is!

And I've decided:
This will definitely not be my one and only Lyra, I just got some cotton for another Lyra
the other day.

And just to complete this entry, here is a detail-shot
(just like the one Soo has got on her site...
....I just loved it, so I had to play copycat here....hope you don't mind, Soo....)

Thursday, 20 March 2008


...promise something you can't keep!

I wanted to post my thoughts on Lyra yesterday, but came down with a horrible cold and sinusitis.
I just feel awful! But this too shall pass and so I just hope you can wait a little for the final Lyra entry.
Sorry, folks!

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Lyra blocked

without words, I shall share my thoughts about Lyra tomorrow!

Monday, 17 March 2008

Right now...'s impossible to take a photo of LYRA ("she" is a family member now!), because there are too many stitches on my needles and I just can't stretch Lyra into proper shape.

But I just thought I'd keep you updated on the progress:

Row 175
- 5 more rows to go

and then the crochet bind-off........can't wait to see it finished!

(not because I am bored with no no!...i love knitting it and am already planning my second Lyra...*lol*)

So within the next few day you will see Lyra finished and hopefully blocked....woohoo!

Saturday, 15 March 2008

6 Things / 6 Dinge

I've been tagged for a meme by Nurhanne and by Anja:

The Rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

1. I love seafood

2. I have a scar on my little finger on my right hand. I got it when i was a child.
I had a favorite cup and had to run around with it, then I fell and nearly lost
my finger.

3. I love advertisements! Some phrases I learn by heart and use them in my
everyday life.

4. I say "Happy Birthday to me", every time one of my daughters celebrates her
birthday (after all I was born into motherhood at the same time, right? *grin*)

5. I often wish I was an octopus, so I could knit all the fabulous stuff that's in
my queue.

6. I hate horror-movies! I can't sleep after watching I never watch

Die Regeln:

1. Setze einen Link zu der Person, welche Dir das Stöckchen zugeworfen hat.
2. Erwähne die dazugehörigen Regeln in Deinem Blog.
3. Erzähle von Dir 6 unwichtige Dinge/Gewohnheiten/Macken.
4. Gib das Stöckchen am Ende Deiner Antworten an 6 Leute durch Verlinkung weiter.
5. Hinterlasse bei der jeder der gewählten Personen einen Kommentar in ihrem Blog/Website, wonach Sie "getagged" wurden

1. Ich liebe Meeresfrüchte und Fisch

2. Ich habe eine kleine Narbe am rechten, kleinen Finger.
Die bekam ich als Kind, als ich mit meiner Lieblingsporzellantasse
herumstolziert und dann gestolpert bin, da hab ich mir dann den Finger fast

3. Werbungen mag ich gerne!
Manche Sprüche von guten Werbungen werden oft auch in den Alltag

4. Ich wünsche mir selbst auch "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag", wenn meine Kids
Geburtstag haben (schließlich wurde ja auch ich damals "zur Mutter

5. Oft wünsche ich mir, ein Oktopus zu sein, damit ich all das Tolle stricken kann,
das auf meiner "Tapetenrolle" steht

6. Ich hasse Horrorfilme! Da kann ich dann nicht mehr schlafen
hinterher....deswegen gucke ich keine!

Please just take this meme with you....i have seen it on so many blogs and don't know, who of my friends already got if you haven't been tagged already, please just feel tagged and take it home with you....THANKS!

Friday, 14 March 2008

Lyra row 116

my progress yesterday: row 116 and it's still very much fun
In fact this is really addictive (just like Soo said in her comment...:-))
I love doing this and just can't understand anymore, why I was so scared of starting the gorgeous Lyra.

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Happy Birthday, Donna!

Happy Birthday, dear Donna!

Today you are 12 years old and getting nearer to your teenage-years every day!
I just wanted to let you know, that i love you ever so much and hope you stay as lovable as you are now!

May the sun always shine for you and may God bless you in every way!

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Ein Kunstwerk... / a piece of art...

Photobucket...von meiner mittleren Tochter Elena auf die Straße gebracht!
Ein paar Blumen, um Euch den Tag zu versüßen!
Draufklicken dann ist es doppelt so schön! :-))

Photobucket...made by my middle daughter Elena!
A few flowers to sweeten your day!
Click on the picture to see it larger and to double the beauty! :-))

Have a nice day, y'all!

Friday, 7 March 2008

Cast on: Lyra

I finally cast on the Lyra by Herbert Niebling, I'm on row 35 already and so far it is great to knit.
I just can't stop! Another 145 rows to go.......ufff!

Thursday, 6 March 2008

No further progress...

.... on the "Fischer sin fru"-Shawl. I did the swatch and started the first clue, but somehow i lost my love for it.
When I see it on other blogs and admire, how lovely it looks , I would like to cry whine over my own lack of discipline (wait a minute: I admitted that in an earlier post, didn't I?)

Do i have to admit, that I discovered I am not a shawl-knitter after all?
I just hate lace-yarn on broomsticks aka needles that are fatter than 3,00 mm (and that is only acceptable with fingering weight yarn).
I love the look and the feel of shawls and I am subscribed to quite a few Mystery-KAL's, but somehow............

May I still call myself a laceknitter?
I love doing doilies and tablecloths with laceyarn or crochet-thread on incy-wincy needles. I really do, I enjoy myself knitting with small needles!
But large needles? yuk!
But: I really enjoyed doing the Shetland Garden Faroese Shawl!
Then again, that was sock-yarn on appropriate needles, so this was fun!

Am I a "needle-snob"? Yes I guess so.........*lol*

I would really love to complete the shawl, but somehow I got the roll on lace-doilies right I shall put it aside and try not to let it bother me any longer. Or should I frog it?
I have no clue ! (pun intended)

I need some advice here, can you help me?

How to avoid Second-Sock Syndrome

I have some methods for this, but right now i am as lost as all who suffer the SSS.

But Chelsea aka "small hands" has some great advice for us all.

Read here:
small hands blog

My thanks goes to Chelsea for that great advice :-))

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad! ... and socks....

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, dear Daddy,
Happy Birthday tooooooo yoooooouuuuuuu!

Have a nice day and a great new year! You are the best!

Here are the Birthday-socks for my Dad:

I used 2 strands of sockyarn (one was dark-red, one natural) on 4 mm broomsticks needles to make them warm and cozy for him. On the sides i added a little cable, which is not really visible, but it prevented boredom while knitting.
Size is 43

Little Flower Doily

by BadCatDesigns

This is a sweet little doily, quick to knit up and very suitable for Laceknittingnewbies.
I really loved to knit it!

Monday, 3 March 2008

Mission accomplished!

The Daffodil Design by Marianne Kinzel is a FO now.

Here it is unblocked (just went over it with the iron)
And now blocked out:
and now nicely arranged on my table:
I am happy I have finished it, although i am not so pleased about the difference in colour the two yarns had. But adding white yarn would have been
Still contemplating on dyeing it to a different colour.
What do you think?
Any suggestions?