Wednesday, 30 April 2008

No need to....

....go Bungeejumping for an Extra-Adrenalin-Kick, when you are knitting with some leftover yarn from some other socks!!!

Hoping like hell that the yarn is going to be sufficient, but still praying and keeping the fingers and toes crossed.

During the last 30 rows I thought the wool was not going to be enough for this pair of partner-socks for my youngest daughter and the knitting got faster and faster.

At last I was knitting at the speed of Michael Schumacher.....*lol* (never saw him knit, though)
.....I had to tink back two rows, because the tension was to tight ;-))).

But finally, here they are:
Rainy Day socks for Cynthia

And here are the leftovers of the wool:

Monday, 28 April 2008

Happy Birthday, Mum!

This beautiful young lady is my Mum Linda!
I don't know how old she has been when this picture was taken.
I can only guess....maybe 12 years young or so?

Well, it doesn't matter really....does it?

What matters is that it is my Mum's Birthday today!
She is turning 52, so she is a very young Mum and Grandma!
Hooray for the best Mum ever!

Happy Birthday!

Mum, this is just for you:

I don't know, whether you know that I count you in as my very best friend,
but I want to tell you now: You are my best friend!

are always there for me, when I need someone to talk,
you have never let me down, when I was in need of something,
you have been a great Mum, although I really think it was a horror to live with me in my teenage years. I have to admit I wouldn't have liked to live with me ..... ever!

I adore you for going through rough times and although they were hard you have risen like the Phoenix out of the ashes....stronger and stronger every time!
I want to thank you for being such a great Grandma for my kids! You are simply the best and as my kiddies would say: "Oma is sooo kewl!"
Thanks for being such a great wife for my Dad and making him happy! :-))

I really love you and even when I sometimes fail to show you properly
I just want you to know:
I L.O.V.E YOU from the bottom of my heart!

You are the Mum I need, want and have asked for!

Thanks for being my MUM and for everything you do!
Have a great day, sweetie! And many many many happy returns!
love Melly

This just had to be said and with these words I ask you all to celebrate this special day with me and my Mum. If you would like to send her a Birthday-E-card just send it to:
webmistress (@)
(remove the brackets around the at-sign)
I know she would really love that!
btw: Her name is Linda

Best Friend Day

An angel opened the window of heaven,
looked at me and asked:

"What is your wish to be?"

I said: "Take care of the persons reading this message,
because they mean the world to me."

Today is Best Friend Day and because you all mean a lot to me,
I just want to bless you with this message!

love and hugs

Sunday, 27 April 2008

Walking in the woods....

....socks and sneakers are finished!
First the socks for my Mum, already on the feet! *lol*
Some details:
yarn: from Daniela
60 stitches on 3 mm ebony-needles
size: 37

and with the leftover of the yarn and some fuzzy-novelty-yarn I whipped up some sneaker-socks for my daughter Elena,
also size 37, but only 56 stitches on 3 mm ebony-needles

Both love their socks and are very happy!

Saturday, 26 April 2008

Thursday, 24 April 2008

Ein schöner Tausch... / A nice swap...

Photobucket... fand dieser Tage zwischen mir und Angela statt. Sie hat in ihrem blog nach Hilfe gerufen, ob doch noch jemand Kauni ER hätte. Und tjaja, ich hatte...
Auf ihre Frage jedoch, was ich denn dafür möchte (geldmäßig), konnte ich ihr leider keine befriedigende Antwort geben. Ich bin da einfach zu doof, ich merke mir nie, was ich bezahlt habe und da ich schon etwas von der Kauni für ein Filzprojekt verbraucht hatte, war es sogar noch schwerer.
So habe ich einfach um einen Überraschungstausch gebeten und dieses Buch ist heute bei mir angekommen. Ich bin sowas von den Socken, das Buch habe ich mir immer gewünscht!
Und es ist wunderschön!
Danke, liebe Angela!
Bezeichnend fand ich auch die Karte:
"Glück" steht drauf und ja, das war wirklich großes Glück!

Photobucket...between me and Angela. She was crying for help on her blog, she had ran out of yarn and asked the readers, if anyone had some Kauni ER leftover. Well, I had....
She asked me, how much money she should send me, but I couldn't answer this question. First of all I am a dummy and I never seem to be able to remember how much I have paid and second I had used some of the wool already for a felting this was very difficult.
That's why I just asked her to send me something as a surprise-swap.
This book just arrived and I am off my socks, I always wanted to buy this book.
It's wonderful!
Thank you, dear Angela!
And the card is just as nice, it says "Glück" (Good luck) on it and yes this really was good luck!

Whoah, what happened here?

Yup, I have a new "old" layout

...some of you might already know it, it's the image my daughter made for me with a proggie called ArtRage....for others this is new

So I have revamped my blog, it was sooooo boring.....

Now I hope you all like it!

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

A walk in the woods

Daniela wanted to get rid of this hand painted yarn and I was the first to scream: "Pick me, I would like it".
So we got the deal going and a few days later I had this luscious skein of yarn in my mailbox.

I called it "a walk in the woods", as the colours remind me of the woods (the brown and green) and the yellow is just like the sun is shining through the leaves of the trees.
And this is how it looks like:

And the other side:

Tuesday, 22 April 2008


Heute ist mir mal wieder etwas Ähnliches wie vor einem Jahr passiert,
nur hatte ich dieses Mal bessere Argumente und auch kein vorlautes Tochterkind dabei.
(und es waren dieses Mal Ebenholznadeln!)

Das war schon ein Vorteil (das mit den besseren Argumenten), aber fertig war ich danach schon und es hat mich den ganzen Tag nicht losgelassen.

So langsam frage ich mich schon, was das alles soll!

Geht's noch??


Some people think, that knitting in buses is dangerous! I got my knitting out today and a woman wanted to tell me, that I should put my knitting away, it is too dangerous in the bus and so on.
This happened to me once before, about one year ago, so I had some good explanations for her this time....but somehow I really am starting to ask myself what this is all about?
Was she jealous or so?
Or did she just need someone to nag.....

Thanks alot, but not with me!!!

How evil am I ?

I love these little blog-thingies: this time "How evil are you?"
This is my test-result:

How evil are you?

Monday, 21 April 2008

If you use...

...signature tags in your private e-mails, you might be interested in these:

These are links to some taggies I have made using Paintshop Pro for some
groups (especially the AlwaysList my Mum and I owned together) in the past. (2002-2005)
You might find your name in there and I hope you like them.

How to save them to your harddrive:
Click on the album you want to look at->the tags appear in mini-format->click on the tag you want to download->it appears in original size->now just right-click and save it to your harddrive

Just a little something...

Wie wahr!

Gesagt ist nicht Gehört,

Gehört ist nicht Verstanden,

Verstanden ist nicht Einverstanden,

Einverstanden ist noch lange nicht Angewendet,

Angewendet ist noch lange nicht Beibehalten!

Sunday, 20 April 2008


Photobucket My youngest complained, that she hasn't got any socks to wear.
So Mummy (that's me) took up the dpn's and whipped up some socks for the poor lass:

Photobucket Meine Jüngste hat sich beschwert, daß sie "überhaupt" keine Socken anzuziehen hätte.
Also hat Mummy (das bin ich) die Sockennadeln genommen und mal schnell Socken für die arme Kleine gestrickt:

Fake Jaywalker Socks

48 stitches/Maschen
1. round: *knit 1, yo,knit 4, slip2purlwise, knit one, pass 2 stitches over, knit 4, yo*
repeat all around
2. round: knit all stitches and yarnovers
yarn: some very old Regia
size: 33

Simple Stockinette sockies

just pure and simple stockinette socks
52 stitches/Maschen
yarn: Drachenwolle
size: 33

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Look what I got:

on Thursday:But let me start here:
The day didn't start to well for us, Elena Frances (my middle daughter) woke up with a terrible headache and couldn't go to school.
I had much work to do, the household had to suffer a bit in the last few days, because I was knitting to much ... *lol*... so I had to work hard to catch up with all my chores.
But then.........and this is just to sweet for words
I went to my mailbox and there was a great surprise waiting for me!
Sharon sent me a puffy with a crocheted angel inside of, I was stunned, had goose-pimples and (of course) was crying my eyes out.
(I always cry...when I am sad, when I am overwhelmed, when I am happy....)
Here is what she wrote:
Dear Melly:
I'm sending a little angel your way,
I hope it helps to brighten your day.
Welcome to our Dishcloth Family,
hugs Sharon
Now, isn't that just the sweetest thing?

Thanks, Sharon, so much for making this day so special for me and giving me this warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach.
Folks, I am so happy I could scream for joy!


Heute habe ich einen Engel aus Kanada bekommen, einfach so als Willkommensgeschenk für die neue Gruppe, in die ich eingetreten bin.

So eine tolle Überraschung!

Ich bin sehr überwältigt, vor allem weil der Tag für uns nicht sehr gut begonnen hatte
und ich ziemlich am Boden war.
Aber jetzt habe ich wieder Auftrieb, solche Überraschungen sind einfach toll!

Danke Sharon!

Friday, 18 April 2008

Happy BLOG-Birthday!


Happy Birthday, dear blog! Happy Birthday, dear blog!
I do love to write here and show all my stuff!


Today my Blog and I are celebrating our 3rd Birthday!

3 years of rambling and emptying my heart out,
showing my knitting-stuff and getting into contact with very nice people.

I am very happy about all the great knitters I have found online and the great friendships,
that have grown over these 3 years.

I am grateful for every visitor here and for every single comment you post for me!
I love love love comments, in fact I must admit that I am addicted to the feedback all of you give me!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Heute feiern mein blog und ich den 3. Geburtstag!

Ich wollte nur sagen, wie dankbar ich für jeden Besucher hier bin und für jeden einzelnen Kommentar, den ihr hier abgebt.
Ich liebe Kommentare, eigentlich muss ich sogar zugeben,daß ich ziemlich "süchtig" danach bin und das Feedback, das ihr mir gebt sehr gerne habe!
Danke Euch allen für Eure Besuche und Kommentare!

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Fuchsienblüten / Fuchsia blossoms

Another great doily designed by Herbert Niebling
April 12 2008
April 17 2008


This one was printed in Burda Special Strickspitzen E418 in 1996.
A great knit and lovely result!


Tuesday, 15 April 2008


Washed, starched, blocked and drying:

Gewaschen, gestärkt, gespannt und am Trocknen:

designed by Herbert Niebling, knitted by Melly *lol*

105 cm Durchmesser /42 inches diameter

Click on image for larger view in separate window.
Klickt auf das Bild für eine Großansicht in einem neuen Fenster.

Monday, 14 April 2008

Riesig nett!

...finde ich es von unserer lieben Kristin, daß sie ihre Kunststrickhefte aussortiert hat und auf meinen Kommentar in Ihrem blog hin, an mich gedacht hat.
So konnte ich heute ganz ganz tolle "neue" (hey, die sind wirklich wie neu! wow!) Kunststrickhefte in meine Sammlung aufnehmen.
Und eine ganz ganz süße Sheepworld-Karte mit meinem neuen Motto: "Alles wird gut!" war auch dabei...die hängt jetzt über meinem Computertisch!

Die "Schreie" der Verzückung könnt Ihr Euch sicher vorstellen....die Kids fanden's urkomisch! *grins*
Ich sitze nun hier, grinse wie ein Honigkuchenpferd und freue mich über diese liebe Gabe!

Danke Danke Danke Kristin!
(PM ist unterwegs!)

2 Hefte habe ich doppelt, die werde ich wohl meiner lieben Iris/Julimond schicken! Ganz heimlich, still und leise.....
....oooops, jetzt hab ich es ja verraten!
"Ich dämlicher Dödel"

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Holey Moley... the name of this little doily (well, the "NieblingLaceKnitters" called it so), apparently designed by Herbert Niebling, that I knitted as an inbetweener.
The rows of the Gloxiniaeflora are loooooooong now and quite tedious, so I had to do something else.
Started on April, 7th and finished yesterday.
But finished isn't finished without the washing and blocking, so this little bugger took me 2,5 days.
But it's kind of nice, see for yourself: der Name dieses kleinen Deckchens (es wurde von den "NieblingLaceKnitters" so genannt), es soll ein Design von Herbert Niebling sein, das ich als kleines Zwischendurch gestrickt habe.
Die Runden der Gloxiniaeflora-decke sind inzwischen so laaaaaang und auch etwas langweilig, deswegen musste ich einfach mal was anderes tun.
Angefangen habe ich am 7. April und gestern abend ist es fertig geworden. Aber da fertig nicht wirklich fertig ist ohne das Waschen und Spannen, hat mich also dieses "Dingelchen" 2 1/2 Tage gekostet.
Aber es ist irgendwie auch schön, seht selbst:

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

I love..../ Ich liebe....

Photobucket....progress-pictures. It makes me see, what I can't see while knitting: The Knitting itself! *lol*
This time: Gloxiniaeflora round 156
(twelve more rows to go and already 1.100 stitches on the needles)

Photobucket...Fortschritts-fotos. Es hilft mir das zu sehen, was ich beim Stricken nicht wirklich sehen kann:
Das Gestrick ansich! *lautlach*
Dieses Mal: Gloxiniaeflora Runde 156
(noch 12 Runden und schon 1100 Maschen auf den Nadeln)

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Gloxiniaeflora-row 104

Photobucket On two 100 cm needles, pinned out, so you can see it better. Only 66 more rounds!
And a little detail-view:

Photobucket Auf zwei 100 cm langen Nadeln und mit Nadeln festgesteckt, damit Ihr es besser sehen könnt.
Nur noch 66 Runden!
Und eine kleine Detailansicht:

It's a square! / Es ist ein Viereck!

An Afghan-square for a group I am in!

Ein Afghan-viereck für eine Gruppe, in der ich bin!

Tuesday, 1 April 2008


Photobucket...are cheap this week at Lidl's, only 29 cents a piece.
The kids are happy.... ;-))

Elena doesn't like cucumbers, so she got a packet of cherry-tomatoes

Photobucket...sind im Angebot bei Lidl diese Woche, nur 29 cent für eine.
Die Kinder freut's.... ;-))

Elena mag keine Gurken, also hat sie eine Packung Cherry-strauchtomaten bekommen