Saturday, 6 December 2008

Sankt Nikolaus / Saint Nicholas

Sankt Nikolaus,
dich schickt das liebe Christkind schon
vom Himmel auf die stille Erde,
den guten Kindern bringst du Lohn
und sagst uns, dass bald Weihnachten werde.

Du stehst am Tor der Segenszeit
und stellst ein Licht in dunkle Tage;
du machst der Menschen Herz bereit,
auf dass es froh und laut und weit
dem Krippenkind entgegenschlage.

Dichter unbekannt

Euch allen einen schönen Nikolaustag, auf daß der "Nick" nur Gutes bringe
und sein Knecht Ruprecht Euch von der Rute verschone!


Photobucket In Germany we celebrate "Saint Nicholas"-Day on December 6th.
This is to remind the people to of the Bishop of Myra, who is known by his kindness and helpfulness towards the poor people of his town.
If you would like you can read more about his history here:
St. Nicholas

Children put out their boots outside or put a nice plate on the table the evening before
and usually the next day they are filled with
chocolates, apples, mandarines and nuts or small gifts.

Adults just wish each other a "Nice Nikolausday" and "Many Blessings", so that is why I put a German poem and St. Nick-Greetings in this post.
May you all be blessed on this day!!

Of course the children also believe in Santa and wait until X-mas to get their big presents,
but December 6th is also a joyful day for most children.

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